Wind Of Passion

Numb is the emotional health of mine, and a series of memories cloud my mind.
Anger, pain, hurt, ridicule; negative emotions suck the air out of the tubes.

Thump-thump goes the heart, beating every second, bringing a rush of adrenaline.
As confidence fades and self-loathing rises, a tingle in the brain makes me burn and rise from my ashes.

I wish these & that; spiteful words flow like muddy trash.

No one can make things right, unfurl yourself and become a sail to head into the lights. Vanish the insults and pain into the wind of passion, let the hands become the oars of guidance with compassion.

Every fuming breath is steam, whistle, and moves the engines of life with your determined feet.
The mind will sway, and the anchor may not hold you long, but God will push you through the storm.
Either your current bubble will shatter into a million pieces, or you may get a chance to tape back those pieces, but my dear woman you will rise like a phoenix.

Your lessons are pending, life’s warm hugs and kisses are waiting, and love or responsibilities will pull you through. You are not alone; someone is still waiting to hold you!

Wind Of Passion