I once encountered a tiny blue shrimp, who anointed himself the “diamond king.”
His deep blue color reminded me of the stillness of the glacial waters of Canada, the deepness of a human mind, and the hues of churning oceans.
His petite frame & light persona was a concern, but as wise men state, ‘it’s not all about the looks, but the determination & blaze in your spirit.’
He bragged about his cousin, a gorgeous and popular lobster.
Arul’s tiny blue creature enjoyed all luxuries as the lucky charmer.

I marveled at his swimming skills amongst his lush surroundings.
Expertise in staying hidden from obstacles is a valuable life lesson.
Self-preservation is the essence of all life, whether actively participating in a fight or like our little shrimpy finding a good place to hide.
We may live an aggressive or non-confrontational life, but our fundamental instinct stands to be contented & thrive!