The fanciful and lofty idea of love engrossed me to the point where I ignored the pebbled path.
Holding my head high and believing in the integrity of a sacred union, I disregarded the fallacies.
Rose-tinted glasses only perceived unaccounted happiness and companionship of partners, overlooking the gray skies of relationships.
Trying to be the good girl, overwhelmed by every man’s attention, and always seeking confirmation from the family, I subdued my will.
In a never-ending struggle to be the preferred one and stay protected, I ripped the fabric of self-love.
An innate desire for a whole family inspired maternal love and acceptance of the pains & suffering of childbirth.
I blindly trusted my story & then came the intermission!
The tinted glasses lay broken; the genuine shades of life engulfed my being.
The pebbled grazed feet bled, an expressionless mind gazed, my shredded self-respect scattered, and a tornado of fear agitated the heart.
The trauma smashed like waves; the feet struggled with my weight.
Hearing cries, I shivered, understood it was me as my light traveled back to the universe.
The gifts of silence, calm, truce, wisdom, bravery, a wounded heart, and a stubborn gaze arrived from heaven.